Before good nutrition and healthy eating became the subject matter of entire magazines and daily news segments, people tended to fix meals that suited their appetite. Now it seems that trans fats, carbohydrates and the pitfalls of animal fat and cholesterol are all being watched. We're all trying to be responsible diners and all of this has done nothing but add to the fun of eating. Another option is to cook your fish on wood. When you cook on a wood fish board, you do not flip the fish because it cooks indirectly. Once your fish is prepared, oiled on one side and seasoned, you need to place the fish board and fish directly on the grill. You can baste the fish during cooking but do not use anything flammable. The board should be over a low fire so as not to ignite. Ingredients 1 whole trout, cleaned and gutted 2 strips of bacon 1/4 teaspoon dried thyme 1 teaspoon crushed dried parsley 1/4 teaspoon crushed dried sage 1 teaspoon butter Preheat oven to 350°F. Wrap a fish in bacon, season it with herbs and bake it, wrapped in foil to contain juices and flavors. These easy tips should give confidence to prepare fish dinners at home. Fish is a delicious source of protein and should be included regularly in a healthy diet. * To steam fish, put it in a steamer over boiling water and make sure you use a tight fitting lid. * Increase cooking time when cooking fish that is frozen. * You may want to try other herbs and spices with the batter for a more delicious fish. * If you're using wooden skewers, be sure to soak them for 30 minutes before grilling to prevent them from burning on the grill.

cooking made easy

Different ways to cook fish

Frying fish and cooking great fish for dinner

girlled fish recipes

Some good links.